유네스코한국위원회와 MAB한국위원회가 공동으로 기획한 ‘생물권보전지역과 평화’ 연구 영문 요약본으로, ‘평화’의 시각으로 생물권보전지역을 바라보며, 평화에 기여하는 생물권보전지역의 역할, 자연과 인간 간 평화, 접경 생물권보전지역을 통한 평화 등에 대해 연구한 내용을 담고 있다.
This is an English summary of the study on ‘Biosphere Reserves and Peace’ jointly edited by the Korean Commission for UNESCO and the MAB National Committee of the Republic of Korea. Biosphere reserves are places designated by UNESCO in order to promote harmonious co-existence among people and nature. This study looks into the biosphere reserves through the lens of ‘peace’, highlighting the role of biospheres in promoting peace by touching upon the activities in biosphere reserves that aim to build peace between neighboring countries, and between people and nature.