On March 22, the Korean National Commision for UNESCO(KNCU) held the 2024 Korean UNESCO Associated Schools Network(ASPnet) Annual Meeting in Seoul and online. The annual meeting was an opportunity to bring together the 485 ASPnet schools in the Republic of Korea to review the network’s activities and achievements in 2023 and share plans for 2024.
At the start of the meeting, Ms. Lee Hye-jin, Director of the Global Education Policy Division at the Ministry of Education, emphasized the role of teachers in promoting education for sustainable development, while KNCU Secretary-General Dr. Han Kyung-koo emphasized the pivotal role of ASPnet schools in implementing transformative education.
Ms. Seo Hyunsook, Korean ASPnet National Coordinator and Director of the Division of Network Programme at KNCU, gave an update on the ASPnet, highlighting the impact and outcomes expected from the ASPnet Strategy 2022-2023.
Two schools gave presentations with examples of best practice from 2023. Byeokbang Elementary School shared its experience of implementing a whole-school approach in its operations as an ASPnet school, while Taejeon High School shared details of its diverse international cooperation activities with ASPnet schools in other countries. The presentations prompted many interested questions from fellow ASPnet teachers, offering motivation and encouragement for further ASPnet activities.
Since 2007, the Korean National Commision for UNESCO(KNCU) has led students and teachers in Korean ASPnet schools in efforts to implement various projects focusing on global citizenship. During this year’s annual meeting, KNCU shared its plan to further the objectives of UNESCO’s Futures of Education Report in the Korean context by supporting a wide variety projects that will be conducted through collaboration with ASPnet students, teachers, and parents to enhance transformative education. As part of these efforts, KNCU also shared plans to promote and assist further school-to-school exchanges among ASPnet schools in the Republic of Korea and those in other countries.
This year’s Korean ASPnet Meeting provided an opportunity to reaffirm the value of ASPnet and to motivate ASPnet schools in their efforts as laboratories of ideas for transformative education. It also offered a forum for the Korean National Commission for UNESCO and the Ministry of Edcuation to show how they will continue to support the Republic of Korea’s 485 ASPnet schools by organizing various programmes for global citizenship education, and providing information, training, and opportunities for cooperation.
The recorded video of the meeting can be seen online at the following link: https://youtu.be/b6OSXPMOAaE?si=u9Q5scci39I8XzQG
유네스코한국위원회는 2024년 3월 22일 ‘2024 유네스코학교네트워크(ASPnet) 연례회의’를 개최했다. 온드림 소사이어티에서 온·오프라인으로 함께 열린 이번 회의에 참석한 전국 485개 유네스코학교 선생님과 시·도 교육청 관계자들은 2023년도 유네스코학교 활동 성과를 살펴보고 2024년도 운영 계획에 관한 의견을 나눴다.
이혜진 교육부 글로벌교육정책담당관은 인사말을 통해 “국제사회의 갈등과 난제 해결을 위한 미래 세대의 세계시민역량 강화와 지속가능발전이 요구되는 상황에서 유네스코학교네트워크의 역할이 더욱 중요하다”고 언급했고, 한경구 유네스코한국위원회 사무총장은 “협력과 연대를 바탕으로 공존을 위한 교육을 지향하는 학교”로 나아가고자 하는 유네스코학교 활동 방향을 강조하면서 참가자들에게 감사의 마음을 전했다. 이어서 유네스코학교네트워크 운영과 관련된 발표가 있었으며, 오경호 벽방초등학교 교사와 윤지은 태전고등학교 교사는 2023년도 유네스코학교 활동 우수사례를 소개했다. 끝으로 유네스코한국위원회 네트워크사업실 담당자들과 유네스코학교네트워크 관계자들이 이끈 본회의에서는 ‘공존을 위한 교육, 협력과 연대의 학교’를 목표로 하는 2024년도 유네스코 활동에 대해 논의하면서 다양한 의견과 아이디어를 나눴다.